Organizing a volunteer work force to help in the construction of church buildings or additions to existing buildings free of charge.
The soliciting of people within our churches of various skills and crafts to use their talents for the Lord.
To compile a list of names and addresses of people who would be willing to volunteer their services.
Todd & Marion are missionary Church planter in Kerrville Texas . Sent out from College station Baptist Church.
Restoration Hill will be a grass roots effort. We will begin by integrating into the community through public functions, intentional outreach, and reaching the people that God places directly in our path. Some of those are people that we have already met during our survey trip, and we have continued a relationship with them since then. We will be looking for people that God is already working in and come along side of Him to bring them to His Kingdom and/or disciple them. Making connections with one family can easily lead to another, and another, as the positive word of what God is doing begins to spread. Trained disciples reaching the lost and broken and discipling them.
Sent out by Nevill's Chapel MBC
Sent out by Nevill's Chapel MBC
Freedom Ministries is a prison ministry based in Hot Springs, Arkansas. I have been ministering to inmates since 1999, and currently go into seventeen prisons in Arkansas, four in Texas and one in Mississippi.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
John 8:32, 36
The mission is to share the gospel with those men and women who are incarcerated. We minister through Bible Study, worship services, and one-on-one ministry.
I am a Denominational Chaplain and a Reentry Accountability Coach with the Arkansas Department of Correction, and a Certified Volunteer with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Sent out by Nevills Chapel MBC
The Mechanic Projects completed within our missionary work have become possible because of our diverse group of automotive mechanics, as well as helpers with no automotive background. This ministry offers an assortment of skills in the automotive repair industry, both cross the United States and on the mission fields worldwide. Macedonian has a state-of-the-art shop in Acworth, GA with tools, lifts, and various other equipment. With Macedonian being a 501(c)(3) organization we are able to receive gifts such as vehicles, buses, trucks, trailers, etc. Many have taken advantage of this in an effort to help our missionaries. With a total of 63 workers and 40,624 man hours worked, some of our projects have included traveling to Costa Rica, Honduras, and Brazil along with major engine work, replacing fuel tanks, fuel filters, braking systems and other serving works. Other works include repairs on interstate missionary vehicles, over 100 hours a month working on missionary and church vehicles in shop, and average of about two or three calls per week from missionaries all over the country who need guidance in auto repairs.
Sent out by Landmark MBC in Mt Enterprise, TX
Our quest is to seek out those who are lost, yet we stand ready to aid any church, missionary, pastor, or fellow congregant, be it within our shores or beyond. No task is deemed insignificant in our mission.
While providing labor, we want to share the Gospel of Christ and point lost souls to the Cross.
We believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and that the only way to Heaven is through belief in him.