Our Kingdom Kids Children's Ministry begins with newborns and extends through 6th grade. We have classes for all ages with interactive learning through storytelling, music, Bible verse memorization, crafts and games. 

Learn more about our classes, events and music program below. 

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. "

 - Matthew 19:14

Kingdom Kids Children's Ministry

We provide Sunday Morning and Wednesday Evening classes

I always look forward to meeting new families, connecting with parents and kids. If you are looking for a children's ministry for your kids, I would love to talk to you. Everyone is welcome! 

 - Tricia Watkins, director of children's ministry

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Sunday Morning Classes

Nursery,  newborn - 23 months 

Preschool,  age 2 - 4/preK 

Elementary, grades K - 2nd grade

Older Elementary,  grades 3rd - 6th grade

Children's Chapel, age 2 - 2nd grade - held during the morning worship service to deepen the understanding of God through engaging activities, Bible lessons, games and crafts

Sunday School begins at 9:45am

Children's Chapel begins at 10:45am

Midweek Wednesday Night Classes:
This is your sub-headline

Nursery,  newborn - 23 months 

Preschool/Young Elementary - learn about God, Jesus, how to apply His Word to their lives through music, storytelling, games and crafts

Older Elementary -  learn about God, Jesus, His character and how to apply His Word to their lives through music, Bible lessons, Bible verses and activities

​Wednesday night meal served at 5:15 pm

Classes begin at 6pm

Praise Kids Music Program:

Age 4 - 6th grade  - kids learn praise and worship songs and sing during morning worship every 4-6 weeks